Linkin Park
The album is titled "Download To Donate" and can be found on Linkin Park's non-profit site Music For Relief.
"Just last Monday, I was saying how I would like to start directing more of Music For Relief’s attention to Haiti and developing some sustainable housing,” says Linkin Park
bassist David “Phoenix” Farrell. “Then the earthquake happened Tuesday, and we really started scrambling to figure out a way that we could garner as much support from the music community as we could to hopefully raise a ton of money for the cause.”
“It’s a very low cost charity,” he says.”For this, 100% of the money Music For Relief raises is going to a couple of different charities: the UN Foundation and Habitat for Humanity. And Dave Matthews Band brought their BAMA Works relief effort into the mix as well. 100% of what we raise is going towards those different efforts.”
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